2023 Gladiator Tour Preliminary Itinerary

July 13 Thurs Spectacle in Rome: Triumph, Circus Maximus, Palatine
We start by tracing the Triumphal procession route in Rome with stops at the Circus
Maximus and Palatine, 2 of the most important sites for gladiators and spectacle in Rome Key Topics & Terms: charioteers, ludi, triumph, imperator, spectacle, cultural values and political needs, Arch of Titus, Arch of Constantine, Arch of Septimius Severus
Activities: discussions on entertainers and spectators at each building from the
perspective of that group.
July 14 Fri Spectacle in Rome: Colosseum, Palazzo Massimo, Stadium of Domitian We start by exploring the Colosseum then move to the Palazzo Massimo and finally visit the Stadium of Domitian
Key Topics & Terms: Gladiators, munera, venationes, spectacle, cultural values and
political needs
July 15 Sat Ostia: Spectacular Baths, Houses, Tombs, and Theater
Day trip to Ostia to visit the theater, baths, bars, and houses and their spectacular aspects. Late afternoon optional visit to beach or Theater of Balbus, or Montemartini, a branch of
the Capitoline museum
July 16 Sun Tiberius and the Spectacle of Sperlonga
Religious and Palatial Spectacle: departure for Villa Vergiliana; stops at Terracina
(“Jupiter Anxur” Temple) & Sperlonga (Villa & Grotto of Tiberius, Museum)
July 17 Mon Paestum, Greek Religious Spectacle and the Origins of Gladiatorial Combat
Paestum, see site and museum including the gladiator tomb paintings
July 18 Tues National Archaeological Museum, Naples including Secret Cabinet and Villa of the
Papyri collection; Villas at Stabiae: Villa Arianna & Villa San Marco
National Archaeological Museum, Naples including Villa of the Papyri collection, depart for and picnic lunch at Stabiae
July 19 Wed Pompeii: Gladiators and spectacle in the life of a small town.
Pompeii I: Public Buildings: tombs, forum, theater, amphitheater, baths, temples
July 20 Thurs Pompeii II: Spectacle in Private Life
Pompeii II: Private Life: houses, gardens and villas in and around Pompeii, depart 15:00 for Villa at Oplontis
July 21 Fri Bathing and Arena Spectacle: Animal Hunts and Prisoner Executions
Museo at Castello di Baia (9:00 – 10:50 am), Scavi di Baia (11:00 – 12:30) Lunch at
Villa Vergiliana, 13:00; Lake Avernus and Pozzuoli: Amphitheater, Solfatara
July 22 Sat Daily Life in the Shadow of Vesuvius
morning at and picnic lunch at Herculaneum, ascent of Vesuvius
July 23 Sun Fatal Charades, Naval Spectacle and a Visit to the Underworld
Santa Maria Capua Vetere, amphitheater & gladiator museum,
Lunch at Villa Vergiliana, 13:00, 14:00 Cumae: acropolis,
Cave of the Sibyl, Roman Forum, Crypta Romana, amphitheater
July 24 Mon Depart for Rome after breakfast
Stop at Temple Theater of Mount San Nicola in Pietravairano en route

Check for updated information Fall 2022 or email Dr. Tuck.