Related Organizations

Classical Associations in the Americas, Italy, and Greece
The SCS: Society for Classical Studies
The AIA: Archaeological Institute of America
The ACL: The American Classical League
CAMWS: The Classical Association of the Middle West and South
CANE: The Classical Association of New England
CAA North: California Classical Association-Northern Section
CAA South: California Classical Association-Southern Section
CAPN: The Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest
CAAS: Classical Association of the Atlantic States
CAC: Classical Association of Canada
CACW: Classical Association of the Canadian West
OCA: Ontario Classical Association
Other Sites of Interest
The AAR: American Academy in Rome
ICCS: Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies, Rome
AACUPI: Association of American College and University Programs in Italy
ASCSA: American School of Classical Studies in Athens
Vergil Week: Department of Classcs ,Case Western Reserve University