Call for Papers
Call for Papers: Symposium Cumanum 2019
Virgil and the Feminine Symposium Cumanum 2019 June 20-22, Villa Virgiliana, Cuma Co-Directors: Elena Giusti (Warwick) and Victoria Rimell (Warwick) The ‘Father of the West’ has not escaped scrutiny by feminist criticism. Since identifying the repressed female voice with Virgil’s subversive voice of loss (Perkell 1997, Nugent 1999), scholars have turned from a practice of reading…
Read MoreExtended Deadline: Vergilian Society Call for Proposals to Direct October 2019 Symposium Campanum in Cuma, Italy.
The Vergilian Society announces a new September 14 deadline for proposals from potential directors for topics for the fourth annual Symposium Campanum, to take place at the Harry Wilks Study Center at the Villa Vergiliana in Cuma, Italy in mid-October, 2019. These October Symposia differ in focus from our summer Symposium Cumanum: we will consider…
Read MoreExtended deadline: Vergilian Society seeks proposals to direct a Symposium in Italy in June 2019
Symposium Cumanum ~ Call for Proposals for June 2019. The Vergilian Society has extended the deadline for proposals to direct the twenty-fifth annual Symposium Cumanum, to take place at the Harry Wilkes Study Center at the Villa Vergiliana in Cuma in about the third week of June, 2019. We will consider a proposal on any…
Read MoreCall for Papers: SCS 2019
Call for Papers, Vergilian Society Panel at the January 2019 Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in San Diego ~ What’s in a Name?: Race, Ethnicity, and Cultural Identity in the Poetry of Vergil As the Aeneid approaches its brutal conclusion, Vergil focuses a final time on Juno, whose determination to see the destruction of…
Read MoreVergilian Society Call for Proposals for Symposium Campanum, October 2019
This is one of two calls for proposed symposium topics. The Vergilian Society invites proposals for topics for the fourth annual Symposium Campanum, to take place at the Harry Wilks Study Center at the Villa Vergiliana in Cuma, Italy in mid-October, 2019. These October Symposia differ in focus from our summer Symposium Cumanum: we will…
Read MoreVergilian Society Call for Proposals for Symposium Cumanum, June 2019
This one of two calls for proposed symposium topics. The Vergilian Society is soliciting proposals for the twenty-fifth annual Symposium Cumanum, to take place at the Harry Wilkes Study Center at the Villa Vergiliana in Cuma at the end of June, 2019. We will consider a proposal on any theme pertaining to Vergil and his…
Read MoreCall for Papers: 2018 Symposium Cumanum
Call for Papers for the 2018 Symposium Cumanum: rerum cognoscere causas: Learning in the Late Republic and the Augustan Age June 26–30, 2018 Co-Directors: T.H.M. Gellar-Goad (Wake Forest University) and Christopher B. Polt (Boston College) The Vergilian Society invites proposals for papers for the 2018 Symposium Cumanum at the Villa Vergiliana in Cuma, Italy. Learning…
Read MoreCall for Papers: SCS 2018
Dido in and after Vergil Sponsored by the Vergilian Society James J. O’Hara, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Organizer For the January 2018 meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in Boston, the Vergilian Society invites papers on any aspect of Vergil’s Dido story and its reception. Ovid writes that no part of the Aeneid is read…
Read MoreCall for tour directors, 2018
The Vergilian Society invites applications for the direction of classical summer and winter programs for 2018 and beyond. We are particularly interested in innovative and exploratory programs at different levels, wholly or partially held at the Villa Vergiliana at Cumae. Tours or workshops involving Campania are particularly sought after for 2018, as well as those with an emphasis on…
Read MoreCall for Papers: Symposium Cumanum 2017
Symposium Cumanum 2017: Vergil and Elegy June 27-30, 2017 Co-Directors: Micah Myers (Kenyon College) and Alison Keith (University of Toronto), with the collaboration of Giancarlo Abbamonte (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) The Vergilian Society invites proposals for papers for the 2017 Symposium Cumanum at the Villa Vergiliana in Cuma, Italy. In the final book…
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