Our History
The Vergilian Society was founded in 1937 with the following objectives: "In order . . . to celebrate the ties of culture between Italy and America, a Society has been formed in Italy and named after Vergil."
The purpose of this Society is to promote the study of Vergil by means of lectures, conferences, publications, and reports of excavation that have a bearing upon Vergil's works. Membership is open to any person who is interested in the study of Vergil.
2024 TOURS
Ancient France
Pannonia: On the Amber Route in Roman Pannonia, in Vienna, Western Hungary, and Slovenia
Social Justice in the Latin Classroom: A Tour for High School Teachers
Vergil and Pliny in Italy: an AP Latin Teacher Workshop

Recent News
The Vergilian Society is delighted to announce the results of the 2023 Keely Lake Memorial Translation Exam, which had entrants from 254 students across 20 different schools! In addition, the Society announces the winner of the 2023 Rudolph Masciantonio Prize for Inclusive Excellence in Latin and Classical Humanities, Mr. Jimmy Li. Jimmy is a student of Brad Savage at Flint…
READ MOREThe Vergilian Society invites proposals for papers for the 2023 Symposium Vesuvianum (formerly Campanum) “Reading Pliny the Elder in the 21st Century” to be held October 13-15, 2023 (tentative) at the Villa Vergiliana, Bacoli (NA), Italy. See the full Symposium description here. Please send abstracts to Prof. Hilary Becker (hbecker@binghamton.edu) and Prof. Verity Platt (vjp33@cornell.edu) by…
READ MOREThe Associazione Cristiano Castelletti is awarding a 5000 CHF biennial grant,intended for the following academic projects and publications (in order ofpriority):a) studies that are a continuation of Cristiano’s research on acrostics andsymbolism in ancient Latin and Greek cultureb) studies of ancient Latin and Greek literature focusing on authors Cristianoworked on: Aratus, Virgil, Valerius Flaccus.c) territorial…