
Symposium Cumanum 2024 - Virgil, the Virgilian Tradition, and the Question of Humour
Symposium Vesuvianum 2024 - Labor Invisus: The World of Work
Symposium Vesuvianum 2023 - Reading Pliny the Elder in the 21st Century
Symposium Cumanum 2023: Virgil and the Roman Republic.
Symposium Campanum 2022: Gender, Money, and Society in the Roman World ~ Schedule
Symposium Cumanum 2022 - Dido Unbound: the Queen of Carthage before, in, and after Vergil
Symposium Cumanum 2021 - Identity in Vergil: Ancient Representations, Global Receptions
Symposium Campanum 2020 - The Spectacle of Everyday Life: Sport and Spectacula in Roman Social Practice and Material Culture (Note: This symposium was postponed and will be held online in 2021) - Schedule
Symposium Cumanum 2020 - Generic Interplay in and After Vergil (Note: This symposium was held online in June 2020)
Symposium Campanum 2019 - Reading the City: Inscriptions of the Bay of Naples - Call for Papers - Schedule
Symposium Cumanum 2019 - Vergil and the Feminine
Symposium Campanum 2019 - Women on the Bay of Naples: Recent Research
Symposium Cumanum 2018 - Rerum cognoscere causas: Vergil and Didactic Literature
Symposium Campanum 2018 - Call for Papers - Schedule
Symposium Cumanum 2017 - Vergil and Elegy
Symposium Campanum 2017 - Call for Papers - Symposium Campanum 2017 Abstract Acceptances
Symposium Cumanum 2016 - Music in the time of Vergil
Symposium Campanum 2016 ~ Call for Papers
2016 Symposium Website
Symposium 2015 - Revisiting Vergil and Roman Religion
Symposium 2014 - Vergil's Translators
Symposium 2013 - Aeneid Six and its Cultural Reception
Symposium 2012 - Diana, Artemis and Related Cults in Ancient Greece and Italy
Symposium 2011 - Et in Arcadia Ego: Landscapes of the Early Roman Empire
Symposium 2010 - From Aetas Aurea to Domus Aurea: Roman Life, Literature, and Art under the Julio-Claudian Emperors
Symposium 2009 - Poetry or Propaganda: What Was Vergil's Purpose in Writing the Aeneid?
Symposium 2008 - Diversa exsilia et desertas quaerere terras (Aen. 3.4): Greeks in Rome and Romans in Greece
Symposium 2007 - Early Latin Comedy and Satire in Magna Graecia and Rome
Symposium 2006 - The Vergilian Tradition: Manuscripts, Texts and Reception
Symposium 2005 - Early Latin Comedy and Satire in Magna Graecia and Rome
Symposium 2004 - Interactions of Indigenous and Foreign Cults in Magna Graecia
Symposium 2003 - The Etruscan Presence in Magna Graecia
Symposium 2002 - The Cults of Magna Graecia
Symposium 2001 - The Art of Healing in Antiquity
Symposium 2000 - Vergil and Philodemus
Symposium 1999 - The Samnites in Campania
Symposium 1998 - Viticulture in the Ancient Mediterranean World: The Archaeological, Epigraphical, and Literary Evidence
Symposium 1997 - Flavian Poets, Artists, Architects & Engineers in The Campi Phlegraei
1996 - No symposium held
Symposium 1995 - The Cultural Response to the Volcanic Landscape Symposium
[…] Past Symposia […]