Program and Registration – Symposium Campanum 2022

Symposium Campanum 2022

Gender, Money, and Society in the Roman World

Organizers: Kristina Milnor (Barnard College) and Virginia Campbell (The Open University)

Symposium Campanum Schedule


Online registration for the Symposium is a three-step process: (1) Please fill out the online form; (2) pay the registration electronically; (3) pay for your lodging and meal expenses ($70/night) via a contribution to the Vergilian Society General Fund here (scroll down to the bottom of the page). If you prefer to mail in your registration, you can use our printable form instead. Include your payment with your printed form. If you wish to pay with Euros or to pay online for your nights in the Villa, please contact for instructions.

Contact Information

In Europe:

Antimina Sgariglia
Via Cuma 320
Napoli 80070, Italy
Phone/Fax: 011 39 081 854 31 02

In America: