From Neapolis to Apragapolis: The Greco-Roman Bay of Naples


July 15 – 27, 2013

James Andrews
Randall Colaizzi

The Bay of Naples was always one of the most important centers of Classical culture, and the culminating destination of the European Grand Tour. It was the foothold of the Greeks in their colonization of Magna Graecia; the scene of decisive moments in the Punic, Social, and Slave Wars of the Roman Republic; and the graveyard of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and the hundreds of villas buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. Celebrated here were the fishponds of Lucullus, the aqueduct of Augustus, the real extravagances of Nero, and the fictional eccentricities of Petronius. Greeks, Etruscans, Samnites, Lucanians, and Romans lived here; Augustus, Tiberius, and Pliny the Elder died here. We will visit the archaeological sites and the several museums which preserve the artifacts

Sites include Sperlonga, Terracina, Cumae, Lake Avernus, Solfatara, Pompeii, Naples, Paestum, Pozzuoli, Beneventum, Saepinum, Herculaneum, Oplontis (Torre Annunziata), Capri, Baiae, Bacoli, Misenum. from two millennia of Greco-Roman culture.

Day-by-day Itinerary, July 2013

15 Monday

9:00 a.m: Assemble at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome (19 Via Algardi).
Departure for the Harry Wilks Study Center at the Villa Vergiliana in Cuma. Visit Terracina (temple of Jupiter Anxur”) and Sperlonga (Villa & Grotto of Tiberius) en route.

16 Tuesday

Morning: The acropolis of ancient Cumae, the “Grotto of the Sibyl”.
Afternoon: Phlaegraen Fields: Lake Avernus; Pozzuoli Macellum and Harbor; the Solfatara.

17 Wednesday

Morning: Pompeii: Forum, Temples, Theaters, Amphitheater.
Afternoon: Selected Houses and Villa of the Mysteries.

18 Thursday

Morning: Naples Archaeological Museum
Afternoon: walking tour of central Naples

19 Friday

Paestum (site and museum)

20 Saturday

Morning: Pozzuoli II (Puteoli: Amphitheater) Capua (Museum, Amphitheater, Mithraeum)
Afternoon: Reggia (Royal Palace) at Caserta

21 Sunday

Beneventum and Saepinum

22 Monday

Morning: Herculaneum
Afternoon: ascent of Mount Vesuvius (by bus and foot)

23 Tuesday

Morning: Villa “of Poppaea” at Oplontis (Torre Annunziata)
Afternoon: ferry to island of Capri

24 Wednesday

Morning: Capri; “Villa Iovis” (Tiberius’ ultimate retreat)
Afternoon: optional excursions (Villa San Michele, Monte Solaro chairlift)

25 Thursday

Morning: at leisure on Capri
Afternoon (late): return to Harry Wilks Study Center at the Villa Vergiliana, Cumae

26 Friday

The Western Bay of Naples: Baiae, Bacoli, Misenum

27 Saturday

Morning: Naples: National Art Gallery of Capodimonte
Afternoon: departures