
Scholarship Opportunities for Vergilian Society Tours
Many Classics organizations offer scholarships for undergraduates, graduate students, and teachers that may cover all or part of the cost of a Vergilian Society tour. Below are a number of scholarship opportunities that you may qualify for to support participation in a Vergilian Society tour. Don't forget to ask your school, district, and local organizations and associations as well--every little bit helps!
National Organizations
American Classical League Scholarships
Activities funded: Study abroad (McKinlay), AP workshop, etc. (Phinney)
Due date: January 15
Ascanius Youth Classics Institute Professional Development Grant for teachers at the elementary and/or middle school level. Due date: monthly
Classical Association of Canada
Grace Irwin Award
Due date: June 25
Eta Sigma Phi
The Theodore Bedrick Scholarship provides funding for a Summer Session at the Vergilian Society at Cumae. Eligibility: Eta Sigma Phi members who have received a Bachelor’s degree within the eight years prior to application (or shall have received it by June 1st of the current year) and who have not received a doctoral degree or members who will be rising juniors or seniors in the coming summer; preference will be given to such undergraduate students.
Due date: February 15
Fund for Teachers
Fund for Teachers enriches the personal and professional growth of teachers by recognizing and supporting them as they identify and pursue opportunities around the globe that will have the greatest impact on their practice, the academic lives of their students and on their school communities.
National Latin Exam
Jane Harriman Hall Scholarship. Due date: February 15
Christine Fernald Sleeper Educational Travel Award. Due date: February 15
National Junior Classical League (NJCL)
David Levy Memorial Scholarship: awarded every other year to help a current JCL sponsor further develop his or her teaching skills through workshops, advance degrees, or summer study abroad.
Due date: May 1
Society for Classical Studies
David D. and Rosemary H. Coffin Fellowship for Travel in Classical Lands. Due date: February 1
Pedagogy Award. Due date: March 1
The Snowden Scholarship is for undergraduate students from historically underrepresented groups across North America, to be awarded for Summer 2023. The scholarship application deadline is December 20, 2022, 9pm EST.
Teaching Traveling
Scholarships and Grants
Vergilian Society Scholarships
Due date: February 15
Regional Organizations
Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS)
CAMWS Summer Travel Awards
Due date: January 30
CAMWS THE JOHN BREUKER JR. AWARD FOR EXCEPTIONAL PROMISE IN LATIN TEACHING This annual grant of $5,000 is intended to cover expenses (including travel) associated with a foreign group-study program, with a preference for Latin studies and Italian experiences. Due date: January 30
Classical Association of New England (CANE)
CANE Endowment Scholarship. Due date: January 15
Poggioli Award. Due date: January 15 (NB: The Poggioli Award is only given in even years)
Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS)
Professional Development Grant
Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest scholarships (CAPN)
Ontario Classical Association
Harry C. Maynard Scholarship Due date: Nov. 1
State Organizations
California Classical Association-Northern Section
Richard Trapp Grant-in-Aid
Due date: rolling
California Classical Association-South
Grant for teacher travel
Classical Association of Connecticut
John Carter Williams Grant
Due date: March 1
Classical Association of Florida & Florida Junior Classical League
Summer Travel Scholarship for Teachers
Due date: October 31, 2022 for summer 2023 (NB: The award is only given in odd years)
Georgia Classical Association
Teacher Scholarship
Due date: April 1
Georgia Independent School Association in cooperation with the Fred H. Loveday Endowment Foundation
Loveday Summer Study Grants for Teachers
Due date: March 15
Classical Association of Massachusetts
Various travel grants utilizing CANE funding
New Jersey Classical Association
The Maryann Steward Scholarship
Due date: April 1
Classical Association of the Empire State (New York)
John E. Rexine Summer Study Grant
Due date: May 1
New York Classical Club
Phyllis Winquist Tuition Assistance Awards
Due date: January 15
Ohio Classical Conference
Charles T. Murphy Scholarship
Due date: November 15
Professional Development Scholarship
Due Date: April 1
Pennsylvania Classical Association
Continuing Education Grants
Texas Classical Association Scholarships
Doris Kays TCA Professional Development Scholarship for Future and New Teachers
The TCA Professional Scholarship
Due date: June 1
Classical Association of Virginia
Professional Development Grant
Due Date: August 31
Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers
Professional Development Scholarship
Due date: April 15